Situated in the Headquarter of Allied Powers of Europe (S.H.A.P.E.), SIS depends directly on the Supreme Commandment of Supreme Allied Powers of Europe.
Today the Alliance has 27 countries (Albany,Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovania, Spain, Turkey, U.S.A.).
Besides these countries, there are 20 others, which are member countries for the Peace Partnership.
SIS consists of national sections. Nevertheless, under the agreement between SHAPE and Belgium, on the 12th of May 1967, later confirmed by the agreement signed between SHAPE and Belgium, on the 19th of March 1968, about the installation and functioning of International School, Belgium was involved in establishing a pedagogical international section destined to host children from countries which cannot dispose of their proper pedagogical sections.
l'accord signé entre le SHAPE et la Belgique, le 12 mai 1967 et confirmé le 19 mars 1968, concernant l'installation et le fonctionnement de l'Ecole Internationale, la Belgique s'est engagée à établir une section pédagogique internationale destinée à accueillir les enfants dont les pays ne disposent pas d'une section pédagogique propre.
Inside SHAPE International School (SIS), Director General CLAES Lutgardis and Deputy Director General ERNOTTE Laurence, focus on the harmonious relationships among all SHAPE school directions.
Even if the programme is determined by the Ministry of Education for the French-speaking Community of Belgium, international sections do not have to be considered as Belgian schools that host foreign students; but also as schools destined for foreign students temporarily living in Belgium ( a three-year stay, generally). So they have to: - accept any citizen of a member country of SHAPE, submitted to school education, whatever his mother tongue is, at any time of the school year and at any level of studies;
- ensure the integration of foreign students in the Belgian educational system during their stay in Belgium;
- ensure remediation (mainly in French, Mathematics, Latin and Sciences) as there is an absence of adequacy between the programmes of the different represented countries;
- encourage open-mindedness to the world, thanks to the international nature of the school and thanks to the extensive knowledge of two mainly used languages in SHAPE, namely French and English;
- prepare ‘ a humanistic spirit' by the set up of cultural, sporting and artistic activities, complementary to the school programme.
- prepare the students properly for their return to their country of origin and for their admission to all the universities of the world.
Each foreign student is a specific case and each teacher considers him/her with his/her differences.
nger est un cas particulier et chaque enseignant a le souci de le considérer comme tel.